The final type of story we will be discussing this month is the novel. This is the longest type we will be looking at, and it is probably the type most commonly found on your shelves.
If you want some reading inspiration for novels, check out this post regularly as I will be updating it with the novels I read:
Start reading widely around your chosen genre. You can find free novels online or (at least very cheaply) on your Kindle. Keep a list of the novels you have read and what stood out for you - it might even be useful to annotate your novels (in pencil of course!).
When I say read widely, do just that! Read from a range of time periods, countries and styles. Even reading within the same genre there is so much difference! You might find something unexpected that you really love, or want to borrow fads from different times or cultures - just make sure to do this properly and sensitively, do your research!
Happy writing!